*beaming* : Life On The Farm
Shadow Wings Farm

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by Darlene on 03/21/11

Just as He multiplied 3 fish and 5 loaves of bread to feed 5000, He blessed my single strand of high tensile wire and it is now FIVE strands!!!!!

Not only that, but I also have a "pretty fencing" project going on, and I was able to get half of that finished today and oh my gosh! it really does look awesome!  I have a grassy area outside of my kitchen area that I hired someone to fence in and it was ugly.  I had the boards taken down, moved the posts so that the area was larger and started putting up 2x6 rough sawn lumber boards up.  The boards are really nice looking because they're natural and rustic.  While this is not necessarily true, it sure feels like I've accomplished more today than I have in a long, long time!!!

*doing the happy city girl/country girl dance*

I'm as beat today, as I was yesterday but my heart is soaring because it feels so good to work hard and be able to actually see it.  So many times the work around here doesn't show for a while, then all of a sudden it'll start to POP!  Well, today was a gift because as each strand of hotwire was pulled and nailed in place, I could see progress that made me soooooooooooo very happy!  I only have 2 more strands to go and then it will really and truly be finished!

I have to confess though that I didn't do it by myself.  :)  A man who helped me over the winter doing some fencing work in the big pasture stopped by to see if I needed any help.  I couldn't put him to work fast enough!  He got to do all that guy stuff and I got to stand there and tell him how much I appreciated how quick and efficient he was.  Now THAT'S the way I like to work!  :)  lolol

Once he left for the day, I was on a mission.  Pretty.  I need pretty!...so "pretty" was the order of the day.  Now I must admit, that most would balk at calling fencing "pretty", and I guess it isn't so much "pretty" as it is...well, what is it?  I can't think of the right word lol.  Whatever the right word is, it LOOKS it!  The board fencing I worked on late this afternoon is really looking nice.  It adds that touch that was missing, and it looks so much better than what the other guy had put together.  Truth be known, the boards he had used, I ended up using on my chicken coop fencing.  That should give you an idea of how appropriate his ugly boards were.

'Nuff said.


On another note, why does He so often take us to the end of our ropes where we feel bewildered, battered and full of chagrin?  Perhaps you're different, but I'm not always graceful at that point.  That's the point He's often taken me to, where my feelings feel hurt because I don't understand and I'm not happy with how I'm handling everything.

He then steps in and in simple, small, yet deeply meaningful ways, orchestrates something that reminds us that not only is He aware of all we are dealing with, but that it's His heart is moved as He watches.

And then, He bridges the gap.


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